Left to right: Al Liebsch, fiddle; Sue Van Dyke, tin whistle, concertina;
Rory Modlinski, guitar, banjo, mandolin; Kristina Paris, flute; Deb Wilhem, fiddle.
Sue Van Dyke has been with Ceol Cairde since its inception after taking tin whistle classes at the Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School. She has taught beginning whistle classes there for several years and also taught a semester class for the Celtic Studies program at UWM. She had a hand in developing the Irish Fest School of Music. Sue was even lucky enough to be able to participate in “The Largest Ceili Band in the World" during the Cork Folk Festival in 2013. Sue enjoys set dancing and participating in Irish Music Sessions, both locally and in Ireland.
Al Liebsch has had a lifelong interest in fiddle music. After years of listening, he decided to learn to play. While attending Irish Fest he became aware of the Irish Fest School of Music and took lessons with Maria Terres who gave him a good grounding in the basics of fiddle playing and now enjoys playing with Ceol Cairde.
Rory Modlinski grew up in a family immersed in Milwaukee Irish Fest. He is a multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar, banjo, and mandolin. He has played with numerous bands and has a solo CD titled "Roots". If Rory isn't on stage playing music, you may find him stage managing or working in the sound booth. Rory also brings the gift of singing to Ceol Cairde!
Deb Wilhelm started playing violin in 4th grade. After taking saxette lessons, she wanted to play the clarinet but only a violin was left. She took that violin and never looked back! She has played in the UWM Orchestra and the Bach Chamber Group. Several years later, while picking invasive garlic mustard plants with the Friends of Grant Park, she met a dulcimer player and they both formed “The Garlic Mustard Pickers”. That band retired after 16 years. Deb missed the fun and camaraderie and joined Ceol Cairde in the fall of 2023. She enjoys learning new tunes and having new friendships with the band members. Deb also plays mandolin in the Milwaukee Mandolin Orchestra.
Kristina Paris began playing classical flute in junior high school and taught beginning flute for several years. After taking Irish flute and other Irish cultural classes at the 1988 Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School, she was hooked! Ceol Cairde was formed and has become one of the most joyful experiences in her life. Performing at ceili and set dances, weddings, concerts, and festivals has become a big part of her life, rounding out a fulfilling life of folding origami, raising monarch butterflies, gardening and a slew of volunteer projects!